DJ Smith-Getchell

Unit Director - Northview Elementary

DJ Smith-Getchell


Phone: (785) 477-6092

Share a little about yourself:

Hi friends, I'm DJ: dog mom, adventure enthusiast, kind human being. Prior to coming to BGC, I worked at the Flint Hills Discovery Center as a Guest Services team member so you might've seen me around town! Originally a NC Native, I spent five years in the Army and travelled all around the country (including the Big Apple!) before landing here in the Little Apple! My dogs and I are thrilled to call Manhattan our new home and I'm forever grateful to be able to give back to the community I love so dearly.
What makes BGC special? 
It isn't traditional "childcare", we get a really unique opportunity to build connections with our kids and help them develop their skills and interests. We bridge the gap between school and home, we get to make learning fun and allow them to pursue their passions rather than teaching for a standardized test.
What do you like to do when not at work?
When I'm not at work, you can usually find me volunteering around town or gallivanting around the prairie with my doodles. I enjoy outdoor sports of almost every variety and developing connections with people based on shared interests.
What's your "Superpower"?
My "Superpower" has always been meeting people where they are. I've had some really unique experiences throughout my life and it's given me a really fun ability to understand where people are coming from and how best to meet their needs.
What's your favorite BGC Kid quote?
I don't have a specific quote, but I enjoy the interactions during which the kiddos are brutally honest. They'll definitely keep you humble.
What do you hope our members take away from?
Kindness is key in everything we do. My grandmother always reminds me that "everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind, always."

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