Jordan McKnight

Chief Operations Officer

Jordan McKnight


Phone: (785) 477-5793

What makes BGC special?  The love everyone involved with BGC shares helps our community shine bright, and impacts families in ways that we would not even be able to imagine. 

What do you like to do when not at work? I enjoy learning! From working on a friend's farm, to sitting and learning with community groups, you can find me all over! 

What's your "Superpower"? Being Tall! Joking to an extent on that, being a tall woman, with a quirky history,  I have learned to develop self confidence and love encouraging others to own their "experience" and grow from it. 

What's your favorite BGC Kid quote?  

What do you hope our members take away from? I hope that the growth our members and their families see over the years is that of warmth and family. In life, we face so many ups and downs, but it takes a village to stay on track and I am proud to be part of that village! 

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